Wärtsilä has announced it will support the development of AW-Energy’s latest WaveRoller wave energy convertor with a series of sub-assemblies for a prototype, as part of a project to install a single WaveRoller unit off the coast of Portugal, at Peniche, for a year.

The crucial components to be supplied by Wärtsilä include metallic bearing housings, composite bearings, lip seals and hydraulic couplings. Wärtsilä will also provide the necessary installation services for the sub-assemblies.

In addition to these products and services, Wärtsilä will also offer its experience and knowhow in marine solutions, including wave and tidal power, to support the product development of the WaveRoller; with both AW Energy directly and its project partners, such as Lloyds Register. “We have carried out a review of the bearing unit design intended for the WaveRoller and inspected the manufacturing of these units. These units are the first that have been accepted by Lloyd’s Register for this purpose,” confirmed Richard White, Project Manager for Global & Offshore Projects at Lloyd’s Register.

“Wärtsilä’s extensive experience in marine technology and power generation makes them an ideal partner for us. We also share the same interests – providing safe, affordable and more sustainable energy for customers around the world. WaveRoller is an energy solution of the future, and we are very happy to have Wärtsilä onboard to help us develop it further,” added Christopher Ridgewell, Chief Technology Officer at AW Energy Oy.