The Rockwood Weir project in Queensland, Australia, moved a significant step towards completion on Friday with the final concrete pour for the weir crest. The Honourable Glenn Butcher, Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, and Minister for Water, was on hand to announce the latest milestone.

With the construction of the Rookwood Weir spillway now fully accomplished, the project stands at over 98% completion, bringing Central Queensland closer to ensuring water security and economic growth in the region. The final concrete pour for the weir's structure is anticipated to take place in the upcoming weeks.

The most recent feat in the project's journey was the culmination of the last monolith for the Rookwood Weir spillway crest, as the top of the monolith received its final concrete infusion over the weekend. This accomplishment signifies the culmination of the spillway, comprising an array of 13 monolith structures, each measuring 16.2m in height and 15.5m wide. 

Of the required 131,000 cubic meters of concrete, 129,500 cubic meters have been poured, affirming that the weir component of the project is now over 98% complete. The remaining concrete element, crucial to protect the weir structure from erosion, is scheduled for completion in the coming weeks.

The construction of the Rookwood Weir has been a round-the-clock endeavor, with most concrete placements occurring during the evenings and early morning hours. These optimal conditions ensure a gradual curing process for the concrete, guaranteeing its durability.

The successful completion of the spillway signifies that the Rookwood Weir is now capable of storing significant inflows from the upstream Lower Fitzroy River catchment, a significant advancement in water management for the region.

While a workforce of 140 remains on-site to finalize the weir, their tasks include placing the last 1,500 cubic meters of concrete and completing the electrical and mechanical components of the fish lock and turtle passage.

Key enabling projects, such as the Hanrahan and Foleyvale crossing upgrades, are progressing well, with completion expected in the coming months, weather permitting. Furthermore, plans are underway for the new Fitzroy Barrage fishway, situated in Rockhampton.

Federal Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, emphasized the importance of delivering secure and reliable water to Central Queensland, asserting that Rookwood Weir plays a vital role in achieving this objective. She hailed this milestone as a significant win for the community.

Minister for Water, Glenn Butcher, expressed his excitement about the project's progress, highlighting that Rookwood Weir, once completed, will be the largest weir constructed in Australia since World War II. He also underscored the project's role in job creation and its potential to provide long-term water security and economic growth to the region.

Rockhampton MP, Barry O'Rourke, praised the project for its contribution to the future of water security in Central Queensland, with over $250 million invested locally and hundreds of jobs created, along with opportunities for apprentices and trainees.

Sunwater CEO, Glenn Stockton, noted that the focus now shifts to finalizing the weir's remaining concrete requirements and electrical components of the fish lock and turtle passage. The project is expected to provide water for customers in 2024 after the completion of the weir's infrastructure.

The Rookwood Weir, with a total cost of $568.9 million, has received substantial support from both the Queensland and Australian Governments, each contributing $183.6 million, while Sunwater is funding the remainder of the project.